READ ME: Site rules updated
The site rules have been updated; hopefully they make things a little more clear and eliminate some of the major issues that have arisen lately and been flooding my inbox.

Please read through them here.

I've added emphasis to the largest changes below:
  • Remain civil: Exercise tact, tolerance, and respect. Don't attack or stereotype. Don't post rude, snide, mean-spirited, offensive, defamatory, intimidating, or otherwise hateful content.
  • Respect privacy: Forum members and private citizens alike have the right to privacy. Don't post personal or private information about other people, even if available publicly elsewhere.
  • Stay on-topic: Keep conversation relevant to the subject at hand and don't post simply to provoke others or disrupt the normal course of discussion. Don't post unsolicited links, disruptive text or images, patent nonsense, or repeatedly post the same or similar material.
  • Make it work safe: Don't post content that is excessively profane, violent, or sexual. If it contains incidental nudity or violence (e.g. an art exhibit or news article), be sure that it is clearly labeled as NSFW (not safe for work) either in the thread title or link description.
  • Be truthful: Don't post with the intent to mislead or confuse others, and cite your sources. Don't post from multiple accounts (sockpuppetry). Don't abuse the quoting, editing, and reporting features through means such as false attribution, modifying context, and false or retalitory reporting.
  • Keep the peace: Don't intensify or perpetuate flame wars and don't respond to posts that violate these rules. Report the post and move on.

The rest is basically the same, just reworded for clarity and brevity.

For those of you who have sent me emails or PMs, I should be getting back to you shortly. I'm still getting caught up on messages after being on vacation for a week.



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